
Showing posts from October, 2013

Cancer awareness month

This month is cancer awareness month people do cancer walks to try to raise money to find a cure for cancer. Some of my aunts uncles and cousins walked in one of the cancer walks this month and so it would be great if you did the same help us all find a cure for cancer. A lot of people have cancer and we need to stop cancer. Help beat cancer in any way possible.                                                               from Lucas                                          ...


THE CREATOR'S STORY     I decided to do this blog because one of my aunts died from cancer and that is why I am going to tell you what happened. My aunt was my aunt of course but she wasn't just my aunt she was also my godmother. Me, my brother and both my sisters called her Tia Chocolate, and we called her that because whenever we came over to her house to spend the night she gave us chocolate and we would also watch movies that we would rent from Blockbuster it was really fun. One day my mom or dad told me, my brother and my sisters that my aunt had cancer. After a year she got better, but then she got it again. While she had this cancer she went to a hospital in duke. After that my aunt was sick again and she wasn't that great for a wile. We went to spend the night with her some times. One night our mom and dad sat us down and told us that our aunt had died. We were all sad. it took a while for us to get over this terrible tragedy. She is still in...


The girl scouts of America are doing a cancer fund raiser and need your help. A Daisy scout came over to my house today and asked if  my family would like to donate. She was giving out rubber wristbands so I assumed that the girl scouts group that she was in was giving out bands. They were a dollar. I gave a dollar and my sister and brother gave about ten dollars, and we all got a wristband.My neighbor also got one. Folks, remember support the cause to stop cancer and you can try to make the world a better place.                                                          picture down below             ...